
The goal of Dockyard is to serve as a one-stop solution for all maintenance tasks involving kubernetes clusters. Dockyard, in its current iteration, can be used to perform a rolling upgrade of Kubernetes worker nodes as well as doing preflight checks before the upgrade.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The goal of Dockyard is to serve as a one-stop solution for all maintenance tasks involving kubernetes clusters. Dockyard, in its current iteration, can be used to perform a rolling upgrade of Kubernetes worker nodes as well as doing preflight checks before the upgrade.

Quick Start

Dockyard is shipped as a single binary which is CLI application offering a terminal UI.

To get started, download the latest release from releases.


AWS Permissions Required

  • autoscaling:DescribeAutoScalingGroups
  • autoscaling:TerminateInstanceInAutoScalingGroup
  • autoscaling:UpdateAutoScalingGroup
  • autoscaling:CreateOrUpdateTags
  • autoscaling:DeleteTags
  • autoscaling:DescribeAutoScalingInstances
  • autoscaling:DescribeLaunchConfigurations
  • ec2:DescribeLaunchTemplates
  • ec2:DescribeInstance
  • ec2:TerminateInstances
  • ec2:DescribeSubnets

K8s Cluster Role

- apiGroups:
- "*"
- pods
- get
- list
- apiGroups:
- "*"
- pods/eviction
- create
- apiGroups:
- "*"
- nodes
- get
- list
- update
- patch
  • AWS credentials configured
  • KUBECONFIG environment variable set, or config available in ${HOME}/.kube/config per default
  • Ensure that you have selected the correct k8s context.
kubectl config use-context <CONTEXT_NAME>
  • Update the config.yaml to select specific aws region and profile. Dockyard binary, config.yaml should be in same working directory.
  • Add following to config.yaml to enable logging.

Build dockyard from source

go build ./cmd/main.go


  • Preflight Checks

    • Public Images used : To list all the images that are pulled from public registries. ( To avoid rate limiting from public registries )

    • Available Ips in each subnet/AZ

    • Misconfigured PDBs : Lists all PDBs which has maxUnavailable to 0% or 0 which essentially means there should be zero voluntary evictions. ( This can cause issues while draining the node during the rollout )

    • Cluster Health status

    • Nodes Health : Checks if all nodes are in Ready State.

    • Pending pods : Checks if any of the existing workload isn't in Running state.

    alt text

    • Rolling upgrade of Worker Nodes : Gracefully drain old nodes of specific asg in batches ( currently limited to 1 ) to new worker nodes.
    • Upgrading EKS cluster
    • Applying critical security patches

    alt text

Rollout process

Rollout process is executed following 3 phases.

Pre Rollout

  • Cordon all nodes of the selected ASG.
  • Mark all old nodes which were launched using old launch config, templates for Rollout by adding label dockyard.io/node-state = old to node.
  • Update ASG Tags to store initial state of ASG.
  • dockyard.io/min = Initial min count of ASG
  • dockyard.io/max = Initial max count of ASG
  • dockyard.io/desired = Initial desired count of ASG
  • Update ASG with new instances scale in protection
  • Scale up ASG with initial batch size.

Main Rollout

  • Wait for new nodes to join the cluster and reach the Ready state.
  • Start draining all the nodes one by one which are labelled for a rollout
  • Add label dockyard.io/node-state = new to the new node.
  • Delete the old node from the cluster
  • Terminate the corresponding EC2 instance.

Post Rollout

  • Remove label dockyard.io/node-state = new from all the new nodes
  • Restore initial count of min, max and desired instances of ASG and remove all tags which were applied during prerollout stage.
  • Remove instance scale-in protection from all the instances and the ASG

How to configure Dockyard ?

Config Parameter Default Value Description Required Type
AWS_CONFIG.AWS_REGION none AWS region in which EKS cluster is running. YES String
AWS_CONFIG.AWS_PROFILE default AWS Profile which has all the required permissions YES String
LOGGING.LEVEL none Logging level for dockyard NO String
ASG_ROLLOUT.IGNORE_NOT_FOUND true Dockyard would ignore all not found errors from kube-api server apis, ( Is useful when cluster is running on spot intances ) NO Boolean
ASG_ROLLOUT.FORCE_DELETE_PODS false Enable dockyard to force delete pods. Enabling this would ignore PDBs associated with workload( not recommended for prd clusters ) NO Boolean
ASG_ROLLOUT.PERIOD_WAIT.BEFORE_POST 60 Wait (in seconds) before executing Post rollout steps NO Int
ASG_ROLLOUT.PERIOD_WAIT.AFTER_BATCH 30 Wait (in seconds) before starting rollout of new batch of nodes NO Int
ASG_ROLLOUT.PERIOD_WAIT.K8S_READY 30 This variable specify dockyard to check node readiness after defined seconds NO Int
ASG_ROLLOUT.PERIOD_WAIT.NEW_NODE_ASG_REGISTER 30 This variable specify how often dockyard should check if a new instance has joined in an ASG (in seconds). NO Int
ASG_ROLLOUT.TIMEOUTS.NEW_NODE_ASG_REGISTER 600 Number of seconds to wait for the new instance to join the cluster before timeout NO Int
ASG_ROLLOUT.PRIVATE_REGISTRY none Private image registry. (Apart from this registry every image registry would be considered as a public registry) Yes String
ASG_ROLLOUT.EKS_CLUSTER_NAME none EKS cluster name Yes String


  AWS_REGION: <region_name>
  AWS_PROFILE: <aws_profile>
  EKS_CLUSTER_NAME: <eks-cluster-name>
    K8S_READY: 10
  PRIVATE_REGISTRY:  "git.example.registry.com"


You can use standard vim keybindings to navigate around dockyard.


An FAQ is available here

How to Contribute ?

We ❤️ PR's

Contribution, in any kind of way, is highly welcome! It doesn't matter if you are not able to write code. Creating issues and helping other people to use dockyard is contribution, too! A few examples:

  • Correct typos in the README / documentation
  • Reporting bugs
  • Implement a new feature or endpoint
  • Sharing the love of dockyard and help people to get use to it

If you are new to pull requests, checkout Collaborating on projects using issues and pull requests / Creating a pull request.


To install the git hooks in your local machine:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rycus86/githooks/master/install.sh)" -- --non-interactive --single


(c) Copyright 2019-2020 OLX. Released under Apache 2 License