Pinned Repositories
Main Readme file for the Olyn organization repo.
Installs openSSH. Configures SSH ports and security. Part of the Olyn framework for Chef.
Configures Percona apt repos. Installs Percona. Configures replication settings, TLS encryption, and node member list. Bootstraps and/or joins the replicated MySQL database cluster. Part of the Olyn framework for Chef.
Installs Postfix. Configures relay host. Part of the Olyn framework for Chef.
Uninstalls sendmail. Part of the Olyn framework for Chef.
Installs sudo. Configures sudo group membership for users. Part of the Olyn framework for Chef.
Configures Debian OS. Adds cluster nodes to hosts file. Installs base apt packages. Securely installs public and private keys from TLS certificates in data bag. Sets timezone. Creates users and configures permissions. Part of the Olyn framework for Chef.
Installs UFW. Configures rules for ports, hosts, and protocols. Adds default deny rule. Reloads configuration. Part of the Olyn framework for Chef.
Installs Varnish. Creates front-end and back-end listeners. Compiles VCL rules for content expiration. Part of the Olyn framework for Chef.
Installs Nokogiri Ruby gem. Imports sitemaps URLs. Rewarms URLs from sitemaps in Varnish HTTP cache. Part of the Olyn framework for Chef.
Olyn DevOps Framework for Chef's Repositories
Olyn DevOps Framework for Chef doesn’t have any repository yet.