rhymer, find the nearest word is a word using levenshtein algorithm helps make the rhyme songwriter. Thanks @ugurarici for idea.
Live version: https://om3rcitak.github.io/rhymer/
if not installed "requests" library
$ pip install requests
after installing "requests" library
$ git clone https://github.com/Om3rCitak/rhymer.git
$ python rhymer.py -k araba
all turkish words approved by the Türk Dil Kurumu and the recursive brute-force techniques save the wordlist_tdk.txt file.
if you want to update the wordlist
$ cp wordlist_tdk.txt wordlist_tdk_old.txt
$ python create_wordlist.py
this process will take slightly longer
- Go https://tr.wiktionary.org
- Create a new book (https://tr.wiktionary.org/wiki/Özel:Kitap)
- Selected all char
- download book!
2k16, omercitak.com