
Web scraping in python using lxml library (XML Path Language) which takes two codechef usernames as input and outputs the winner among the two in mutual contests.

Primary LanguagePython


Web scraping in python using lxml package (XML Path Language).

Input :

Two codechef usernames which are to be compared

Operations :

Checks if the entered username is valid or not

Scraps the name of the user

Scraps the current codechef ratings of the user

Outputs the list of mutually participated contests of the users and the winner

Packages used :

lxml library to use html element API

requests library to send HTTP request to the webpage

sys library to exit the system in case of errors

Running the source code locally :

Clone/Download the repo

Compile/Run the driver file i.e. driver.py by running the following command:

	$ python driver.py
Note : Keep the files saved in src in the same directory

Requirements to run the source :

Python 3 should be installed

Installing pip(Python Package Index) :

	sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Installing requests :

	pip3 install requests
Installing lxml :

	sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev python-dev
	pip install lxml