
Python scripts for "gamified" packaging of neuroscience/psychophysics experiments [Petkov lab]

Primary LanguagePython


Python scripts for "gamified" neuroscience/psychophysics experiments.

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See video demo of fixCont.py on YouTube

py_stimuli is an iohub eye-tracking/joystick-compatible movie player.

Presentation of movies can be contingent on central fixation. Currently, setup for an EyeLink(C) 1000 Desktop System. To use a different eye tracker implementation, change the iohub_tracker_class_path and eyetracker_config dict script variables.

Currently, loading raw (uncompressed) videos, future versions should read compressed movies-
video: H.264 compressed,
audio: Linear PCM

Ideally, the included fonts should be installed (placed in ~/.fonts).

These scripts make use of the following toolboxes:

- Experiment software:

Psychopy http://www.psychopy.org/

  • requires recent version that includes visual.MovieStim3() module, (which relies on MoviePy).

- Eyetracking software:

PyGaze http://www.pygaze.org/

Proprietary tools:

PyLink (for use of EyeLink eyetracker) http://www.psychopy.org/api/hardware/pylink.html

- Subject feedback (via gamepad)

PyGame - http://www.pygame.org/

Xbox Controller - Depends on Xbox 360 controller support for Python (xbox.py - Steven Jacobs) https://github.com/FRC4564/Xbox

- Output:

Parallel port output - Current stimulus ID (in binary form) provided via parallel port, accessed using PyParallel library https://github.com/pyserial/pyparallel (see tutorial)

Log file - .csv file summarizing stimulus presentation order and behavioral response for each trial (including reaction time).

Each folder contains a single experiment (composed of two files):

- constants.py

  • Defines constant variables for each experiment (e.g. display size).

- experiment.py

  • Script for executing actual experiment.

Relies heavily on the examples provided by the following books:

Python for Experimental Psychologists by Edwin S. Dalmaijer
Making Games with Python & Pygame by Al Sweigart

Created by Dr Adam Jones
Department of Neurosurgery,
University of Iowa,
Iowa City IA, USA