
A barebones Laravel API built as a template for projects.

Primary LanguagePHP

This is the API for the five things app, i'll also later on use it as a base api for other apps

Laravel API Template Repository

This repository houses a template API built using Laravel, it was created to help me quickly to quickly bootstrap an API project.

Right now the repository has the following functionality

  • [*] API authentication using Laravel Passport.
  • [*] Authorization using spatie/laravel-permission.
  • [*] Activity logging using spatie/laravel-activitylog.
  • [*] GraphQL server using nuwave/lighthouse.
  • [*] A CI/CD pipeline using Github Actions.
  • [*] Automated tests for existing functionality.

How to setup this repository

  1. Clone the repository using the following command:

       git clone https://github.com/omadoyeabraham/laravel-template-api.git
  2. Configure the project using the following command:

      sh ./tools/configure.sh

    The command does the following:

    • Installs composer dependencies
    • Creates a .env file with the content local. This will tell the app which environment the app will run
    • Creates a copies the contents from ./envs/example/.env to ./envs/local/.env
    • Generates the laravel app key using php artisan key:generate
  3. Ensure that you fill the variables in /envs/local/.env with your credentials and values.

  4. Ensure you have docker installed and running.

  5. Go through docker-compose.yml and change the default port numbers and database credentials as necessary.

  6. If you changed the database and redis credentials/ports in docker-compose.yml ensure you change it in /envs/local/.env also.

    Note that the ports in /envs/local/,env will be the ports exposed by docker e.g. if the postgres image has port credentials "3434:5432", then use 3434 in the /envs/local/.env file.

  7. Spin up the app, postgresql and redis containers using the following command:

       docker-compose up
  8. Run the script used to migrate and seed the database, and also install laravel passport.

       sh ./tools/prepare-local-database.sh
  9. To setup AWS credentials to be used for serverless deployment from Github Actions CI/CD pipeline, the following secret variables have to be set on the Github repository

    • AwsAccessKeyId
    • AwsSecretAccessKey
  10. Setup the environment variables in serverless.yml on AWS SSM so that serverless functions can use them.