
Discord BOT that constantly updates your dynamic IP.

Primary LanguagePython

Requirements 🧾


  1. Download and install Python if you haven't already.

  2. Install requirements.txt with the command pip install -r requirements.txt

    • If you are on Windows, you might need to run command prompt as Administrator
  3. Navigate to the discord developer panel, sign in, and click New Application. Choose any name, click accept and create. Next navigate to the Bot section and click Add Bot. Click on Reset Token and copy the one one.

  4. Open the script by using the command python index.py. Alternatively you can run the DynoSTART.bat file.

  5. Paste your Discord token by copying it and right-clicking on the application.

    • IMPORTANT: DO NOT share the token.
  6. Invite DynoBOT in to your server.

  7. Within the server, Use the /dynosetup to initialise the setup.


Write me on discord #omaemaru if you need help.