Business Site Composition

Get Started

You will be building out a six-page comp for a fictional business, Fiona Massage Salon.

Start by forking this repository. Then, git clone your version of the repository locally. If you need a reminder of how to accomplish these steps watch this video.

There is a folder that contains the comps of the pages you will be building, as well as a folder of the images used in the design.

Details and Specifications

You should work through building the compositions we've provided in the following order:

  1. Services
  2. Masseurs
  3. Contact
  4. Pricing
  5. Homepage
  6. Booking

Set up your files as PHP files, but know that -- to start -- the implementation that we expect from you will almost entirely be HTML and CSS.

The only php component you need to build at the beginning of the project is the highlighted list items in the site's navigation bar.

After you get through the fourth composition, feel free to also challenge yourself with at least one of these PHP additions.

❗ At the end of this assignment you will have accomplished: ❗

  • A build of all six pages of the site
  • Adherence to BEM convention throughout your work
  • Correct implementation of Flexbox
  • Refactored CSS (we will work with you on this!)
  • At least one of the outlind PHP additions