
Omawho is a networking site for bringing together the creative faces in the Omaha, NE community. Omawho was originally created by Sumeet Jain. It was redesigned and is currently being maintained by these Omaha Code School students:


  • Sign up and add your face
  • Look up other users through the search bar by name, business, or username, or filter by category
  • Add images to your profile displaying your work
  • Submit and RVSP to events
  • Play the name game to learn more about people in the community

Technical Aspects

  • Omawho is a Rails application currently being hosted through Heroku.
  • User authentication is maintained through the Sorcery gem.
  • User's images in their work section are displayed using Lightbox.
  • As well as user-submitted events, some events are scraped from Silicon Prairie News using Nokogiri.


You are welcome to fork the repository and customize it for your city! More specific directions for what to edit and customize coming soon.