
This repository is a mirror of the official gitlab repository of the Palabos project. Please use https://gitlab.com/unigespc/palabos for issues and MRs.

Primary LanguageC++GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Palabos is an open-source CFD solver based on the lattice Boltzmann method. On this page you can download the source code, access examples and resources, and interact with the user base.

How to cite Palabos

    title = "Palabos: Parallel Lattice Boltzmann Solver",
    journal = "Computers & Mathematics with Applications",
    year = "2020",
    issn = "0898-1221",
    doi = "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.camwa.2020.03.022",
    author = "Jonas Latt and Orestis Malaspinas and Dimitrios Kontaxakis and Andrea Parmigiani and Daniel Lagrava and Federico Brogi and Mohamed Ben Belgacem and Yann Thorimbert and Sébastien Leclaire and Sha Li and Francesco Marson and Jonathan Lemus and Christos Kotsalos and Raphaël Conradin and Christophe Coreixas and Rémy Petkantchin and Franck Raynaud and Joël Beny and Bastien Chopard",


Palabos is very easy to install since it does not depend on any external dependencies.

Linux Prerequisites

The mandatory packages are the following:

  • A modern C++ compiler gcc or clang
  • clang-format version 14
  • make
  • cmake

For Debian based distributions

$ sudo apt install gcc clang clang-format cmake make

For Arch based distributions

$ sudo pacman -S gcc clang make cmake

Linux optional prerequisites

The optional but recommended packages are the following:

  • openmpi, by default all the examples use MPI.
  • imagemagick, some examples output .gif which are generated by calling convert.
  • hdf5 for the use of hdf5 output.
  • ccache to speed up the compilation process.

For Debian based distributions

$ sudo apt install libopenmpi-dev imagemagick libhdf5-dev libhdf5-mpi-dev ccache

For Arch based distributions

$ sudo pacman -S openmpi imagemagick hdf5 hdf5-openmpi ccache

The majority of the output of Palabos is under the form of VTK files. We recommend the use of Paraview for their visualization.

Windows Prerequisites

  • Microsoft Visual Studio (VS). VS2019 is recommended, due to its integration with CMake project management.
  • Microsoft C++ compiler, installed with Visual Studio (make sure to enable the installation of C++ compiler in the custom installation option of VS). This step can be done even after installing VS for the first time in your system. Simply, re-run the installer and customize it to include the extra features. For more information on how to install C/C++ support in Visual Studio follow link1 & link2.
  • Optionally the Microsoft Message Passing Interface (MPI). To install MPI follow this link.
  • Optionally the HDF5 library.
  • If you use Visual Studio older than VS2019, you may want to install CMake, preferably the latest version, to generate a Visual Studio project file (.sln) from Palabos' CMakeLists.txt

For Visual Studio 2019

Start Visual Studio 2019 and select "Clone a repository" from the "Get started" section. Provide the following repository location:


and click "clone". Watch the messages that unfold in the "Output messages" window for potential errors. If there is no error, select an example program from the "Select Startup Item" button in the toolbar. Click the little arrow next to the selected example to build and execute it.

You may get error messages in the "Output messages" window if MPI and/or HDF5 are not installed on your system. In these cases, deactivate MPI and/or HDF5 by selecting "Manage Configurations" in the "Configuration" button in the toolbar. In the section "CMake variables and cache", you should be able to un-click ENABLE_MPI and/or BUILD_HDF5 (you may need to wait a bit for these to appear). After this, click "Save and generate CMake cache to load variables" and proceed as indicated above.

The installation steps

For nightly Palabos clone this repo

git clone https://gitlab.com/unigespc/palabos.git

or for stable releases download the appropriate version from this link. If you downloaded palabos-v2.1r0.tar.gz (the version 2.1 of Palabos) you can extract the files from the archive with

$ tar xzvf palabos-v2.1r0.tar.gz

Congratulations. You should now have a functioning version of Palabos. Assuming palabos is the directory where the Palabos source is located, you can check your installation by typing the following commands


$ cd palabos/examples/showCases/cavity2d/build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ cd ..
$ ./cavity2d


  1. cd palabos/examples/showCases/cavity2d
  2. Open CMake (GUI), define source code folder (current folder), and build folder (build/)
  3. Configure project (CMake Configure button). A pop-up windows will ask you to specify the generator for this project (Visual Studio that you installed earlier).
  4. Generate the project (CMake Generate button).
  5. Go to the build folder and open palabosExample.sln. This will open Visual Studio, from where you can build the project.
  6. After completing the build, there will be a Release or Debug folder in palabos/examples/showCases/cavity2d with the cavity2d.exe inside. Move the executable one level up and run it either by clicking it or using the command line.

If your installation is fully functional this should generate the following output:

$ ./cavity2d(.exe)
step 0; t=0; av energy=3.81587645e-07; av rho=1
Time spent during previous iteration: 0
step 1280; t=0.1; av energy=1.143114423e-06; av rho=0.9999958713
Time spent during previous iteration: 0.000729634
Saving Gif ...

step 2560; t=0.2; av energy=1.464417219e-06; av rho=0.999991746

Compile an example

Once you have an installation we assume that you are located in your Palabos installation directory (see above). To compile an example, boussinesqThermal3d in this case, do the following commands

$ cd examples/showCases/boussinesqThermal3d/build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ cd ..

These commands should generate the boussinesqThermal3d executable. If you have a functioning MPI installation you can run it on 4 cores for example using the command

$ mpirun -np 4 ./rayleighBenard3D 10000

The output should look like

$ mpirun -np 4 ./rayleighBenard3D 10000
10000 1
time elapsed for rayleighBenardSetup:0.0661382
0 : Writing VTK.
0 : Writing gif.

average=1.00251; stdDev/average=0.0719342
average=0.999835; stdDev/average=0.0373279
3.33333 : Writing VTK.

How to use Cmake to compile your application

Each example has a CMakeLists.txt to compile under cmake. To compile the previous example with cmake you can write (check installation section for Windows)

cd palabos_root_folder/examples/showCases/boussinesqThermal3d
mkdir -p build && cd build
cmake ..

If you need to create a palabos project with a cmake-based IDE, you can use the CMakeLists.txt provided in any of the examples. With some minor modifications, you can also use this CMakeLists.txt to compile and build your own application.

In palabos root directory, we provide a CMakeLists.txt file that compiles palabos library and all the available examples.

Code formatting

To format the code run

./run-clang-format.sh -i

that formats the code in place. To make a dry run of formatting

./run-clang-format.sh -n

must be run. Note that for the CI to succeed one needs version 14 of clang-format.

In order to help you with code formatting there is a docker-compose configuration at the root of the palabos repository (this requires docker and docker-compose to be installed). To format the code through docker, run:

CURRENT_UID=$(id -u):$(id -g) docker-compose run clang_format

On some linux distributions one might need to run this command as root via sudo.


The documentation of Palabos can be found following this link.

Getting help

If you need help with Palabos, or with the lattice Boltzmann method theory, please use the Palabos forum.

Bug reports

When you think you have identified a bug, please open an issue and do not forget to give as many details as possible for us to be able to reproduce the bug.


To see how to open issues, submit bug reports, create feature requests, submit your additions to the Palabos library, see the Contributing page.


By alphabetic order

  • @beny3
  • @ccoreixas
  • @daniel-lagrava-niwa
  • @dkdk
  • @constracktor
  • @helenmo
  • @izumiko
  • @jfburdet
  • @jolinjolin
  • @kotsaloscv
  • @liuanjun
  • @Latt
  • @msguskova
  • @omalaspinas
  • @onmars
  • @parmigiani
  • @rconradin
  • @remy.pet
  • @swang251
  • @vmapelli
  • @YannThorimbert
  • @ysagon
  • @Yulan-Fang