
Primary LanguageRustGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Owen's Rust Benchmarks

This is a set of benchmarks that I wrote to test the performance of various Rust features and their relative performance. Many of the benchmarks are based on similar ones that Pavan wrote for Scala. Unlike Scala, Rust's higher level abstractions come at zero or low cost.

My environment is:

  • Mac OS 14.4.1
  • Apple M2 Max, 12 cores, 38 GPU (Mac14,6)
  • Rust 1.77.2

As always, benchmarks run on a multi-process OS have substantial jitter. (Criterion does do warm ups and many iterations, but the exact numbers change.)

The benchmarks all use random data with a fixed seed to create an array of 10,000 elements. I fixed the seed to remove that source of noise.


cargo bench pattern

Runs all of the benchmarks with names that contain the pattern.


This category test different forms of dispatching. I look at three variants:

  • Calling a method through a trait
  • Calling a lambda
  • Calling a method on an enum that branches internally. This doesn't use an indirect jump, but largely fills the same role and is syntactically similar.


Methods through a trait are the same as lambdas. Methods on enums are much faster, because they don't have an indirect jump. Indirect jumps are very sensitive to the pattern of different target functions. For example, if the input array consists of 10,000 instances of the same class, it is roughly 8 microseconds. If the same array consists of 10,000 instances of 10 classes distributed randomly, it is 59 microseconds. Sorting the array by class brings it back to 9 microseconds. Thus, I conclude that there is a cache of the previous target.

Additionally, on the Apple M2 Max and Intel Core i7-6700K, I see an additional effect where there is a large window where a smooth distribution of the targets improves performance over a random distribution. This was not observed on AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 5955WX. To judge the size of the window, for various values of N, I generate a random order of lenth N * 50, such that each of the 50 classes occurs N times. Then I repeat that order to form an array of 10,000 objects, I observe that at N=1, we get 21 microseconds, which is significantly faster than having the 50 classes randomly. Surprisingly, the time stays roughly constant from N=1 until N=40, where the time slowly increases until it matches the random time. Note that this is not a Rust behavior. I see similar behavior with C++. I'm very surprised at how big the window seems to be.

Using a template for a passed in function is roughly 2.5x faster.


First I compared the different ways to pass a function as an argument.

  • single
    • dispatch lambda time: [8.2992 µs 8.3237 µs 8.3515 µs]
    • dispatch func time: [8.2092 µs 8.2260 µs 8.2435 µs]
    • dispatch func template time: [3.0777 µs 3.0827 µs 3.0882 µs]
  • multiple
    • dispatch lambdas time: [56.898 µs 57.062 µs 57.252 µs]
    • dispatch iter objs time: [8.3290 µs 8.3660 µs 8.4117 µs]
    • dispatch iter enums time: [2.7632 µs 2.7706 µs 2.7785 µs]


This category tests different forms of branching. It also includes some data look up for comparison.

TL/DR: Handling programming errors using panic instead of Result<i32,String> runs 31% faster. For 10 items, looking them up in an array is 8% faster than using match.

  • lookup
    • lookup array time: [2.8229 µs 2.8286 µs 2.8346 µs]
    • lookup hashmap time: [60.310 µs 60.432 µs 60.562 µs]
  • branching
    • branching iter match time: [3.0762 µs 3.0813 µs 3.0868 µs]
    • branching iter match result time: [4.4563 µs 4.4636 µs 4.4710 µs]
    • branching for match time: [3.1471 µs 3.1522 µs 3.1570 µs]
    • branching iter if time: [3.1802 µs 3.1867 µs 3.1928 µs]
    • branching for if time: [3.1749 µs 3.1836 µs 3.1924 µs]

Tail recursion

This category tests the performance of tail recursion. You can use Rust's tailcall attribute to guarantee that your method is seen as tail recursive.

TL/DR: Minor changes to the code have big impacts and the best case is that it equals the performance of the functional programming, so I'd avoid using tail recursion.

The results fall into 3 groups:

  • painful (~50 microseconds) In sum_via_match, the compiler doesn't see the tail recursion.
  • slow (~3 microseconds) We get tail recursion, but with 3 way matches.
  • fast (~0.3 microseconds) The rest of the tests perform like the iterative versions.

The most interesting is the difference between sum_via_match_accum and sum_via_match2_accum where deleteing one of the match branches makes the code 8x faster.

I don't see any performance change by adding tailcall. There is one case that tailcall doesn't accept (eg. sum_via_if), which is optimized by the compiler.

  • painful
    • tail match time: [52.022 µs 52.132 µs 52.248 µs]
  • slow
    • tail match accum time: [3.0251 µs 3.0368 µs 3.0476 µs]
    • tail len match accum time: [3.0406 µs 3.0504 µs 3.0597 µs]
  • fast
    • tail match2 accum time: [344.87 ns 345.50 ns 346.18 ns]
    • tail if idx accum time: [346.24 ns 346.83 ns 347.45 ns]
    • tail if accum time: [350.67 ns 351.20 ns 351.69 ns]
    • tail if time: [345.83 ns 346.36 ns 346.90 ns]

Option processing

This category tests processing an array of Option by computing the sum of the string lengths.

TL/DR: The iterators with a sum are faster than loops. I don't yet understand why this happens. Surprisingly, "if let" is slower than the other approaches.

  • slow
    • option for if time: [5.7662 µs 5.7959 µs 5.8447 µs]
    • option for if_let time: [6.1111 µs 6.3317 µs 6.6122 µs]
    • option for match time: [5.6676 µs 5.8533 µs 6.1018 µs]
  • fast
    • option filer_map time: [2.6265 µs 2.6312 µs 2.6362 µs]
    • option match sum time: [2.6810 µs 2.6863 µs 2.6916 µs]
    • option map_or time: [2.6883 µs 2.6928 µs 2.6971 µs]

Element access

For element access, the goal is to compare the speed of using various access methods for array and vectors. All of the functions use the &[i32] type that accepts both arrays and vectors.

TL/DR: The big story is that nothing stands out and that Rust programmers can use the high level functions without concern. The total variation is less than 5%. I often see a minor slow down using vec compared array.

  • element index array time: [334.14 ns 334.62 ns 335.17 ns]
  • element for array time: [334.34 ns 334.78 ns 335.27 ns]
  • element sum array time: [334.11 ns 334.60 ns 335.21 ns]
  • element fold array time: [336.04 ns 336.84 ns 337.62 ns]
  • element index vec time: [340.57 ns 341.15 ns 341.74 ns]
  • element for vec time: [342.58 ns 343.05 ns 343.57 ns]
  • element sum vec time: [346.27 ns 346.65 ns 347.03 ns]
  • element fold vec time: [345.55 ns 345.99 ns 346.40 ns]

Sliding windows

This category tests the performance of window relative to a loop.

TL/DR: There is basically no difference here.

  • sliding window time: [692.19 ns 693.76 ns 695.81 ns]
  • sliding for time: [698.90 ns 699.69 ns 700.50 ns]

Pair access

This category tests the performance of zip relative to a loop.

TL/DR: There is basically no difference here.

  • dual zip time: [537.16 ns 537.80 ns 538.49 ns]
  • dual for time: [539.97 ns 540.98 ns 542.07 ns]