
This project aims to aid users in grasping the significance of signal components by utilizing the Fourier transform. Users can view two images, select components (e.g., magnitude, phase), and mix them using a panel. Real-time output images are generated, enhancing understanding of the Fourier transform in signal processing.

Primary LanguagePython


The Fourier transform is a crucial tool in signal processing, and this project aims to help users understand the importance of the magnitude and phase components of a signal. The software allows users to open and view two images and choose from different components (FT Magnitude, FT Phase, FT Real, FT Imaginary) to display for each image. Additionally, users can mix different components from the two images using a mixing panel that includes options such as uniform magnitude and phase. The software generates an output image based on the user's mixing choices and displays it in real-time. This project's goal is to provide an interactive and user-friendly interface that helps users visualize and comprehend the Fourier transform's significance in signal processing.

Table of Contents

Built with

programming language Framework style sheet language


Install streamlit

  pip install streamlit

Install used modules

requirements-txt init

To start deployment

  streamlit run streamlit_app.py


main widow


Name GitHub LinkedIn
Omar Adel Hassan @Omar_Adel linkedin
Sharif Ehab @Sharif_Ehab linkedin
Mostafa Khaled @Mostafa_Khaled linkedin
Zyad Sowalim @Zyad_Sowalim linkedin


Submitted to: Dr. Tamer Basha & Eng. Christina Adly

All rights reserved © 2023 to Team 4 - HealthCare Engineering and Management, Cairo University (Class 2025)