English | 中文
NGBATIS is a database ORM framework base NebulaGraph + spring-boot, which takes advantage of the mybatis’ fashion development, including some de-factor operations in single table and vertex-edge, like mybatis-plus.
If you prefer JPA, graph-ocean is a good choice.
- Springboot
- Maven
- Java 8+
You could refer to ngbatis-demo in this repo.
Include in your
- Maven
<dependency> <groupId>org.nebula-contrib</groupId> <artifactId>ngbatis</artifactId> <version>1.1.5</version> </dependency>
- Gradle
implementation 'org.nebula-contrib:ngbatis:1.1.5'
- Maven
Referring to ngbatis-demo, which was smoothly integrated with spring-boot. The API examples could be found under the test of it for all features of ngbatis.
Configure the NebulaGraph Database
with the host and credential to enable access to the NebulaGraph Cluster.
session-life-length: 300000 # since v1.1.2
check-fixed-rate: 300000 # since v1.1.2
# space name needs to be informed through annotations(@Space) or xml(space="test")
# default false(false: Session pool map will not be initialized)
use-session-pool: false # since v1.1.2
username: root
password: nebula
space: test
min-conns-size: 0
max-conns-size: 10
timeout: 0
idle-time: 0
interval-idle: -1
wait-time: 0
min-cluster-health-rate: 1.0
enable-ssl: false
- Dynamically register beans
@SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages = { "org.nebula", "your.domain"})
public class YourApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new SpringApplication(YourApplication.class).run(args);
If SpringCloud is used in your project,
please use@ComponentScan( basePackages = {"org.nebula.contrib", "your.domain"} )
package ye.weicheng.ngbatis.demo.repository;
import ye.weicheng.ngbatis.demo.pojo.Person;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
public interface TestRepository {
Person selectPerson();
Person selectByPerson(Person person);
List<Person> selectAgeGt(Integer age);
List<String> selectListString();
List<Map> selectPersonsMap();
Map<String, Object> selectTriple();
<select id="selectPerson" resultType="ye.weicheng.ngbatis.demo.pojo.Person">
match (v:person) return v.person.name as name, v.person.age as age limit 1
<select id="selectAgeGt" resultType="ye.weicheng.ngbatis.demo.pojo.Person">
MATCH (n: person)
WHERE n.person.age > $p0
<select id="selectByPerson" resultType="ye.weicheng.ngbatis.demo.pojo.Person">
MATCH (n: person)
WHERE n.person.name == $p0.name
<select id="selectListString" resultType="java.lang.String">
match (v:person) return v.person.name as name limit 100
<select id="selectPersonsMap" resultType="java.util.Map">
match (v:person) return v.person.name as name, v.person.age as age limit 100
<select id="selectTriple" resultType="java.util.Map">
MATCH (n: person)-[r: like]->(n2: person)
RETURN n, r, n2
More complex `nGQL` may need to be fully tested.
The two-layer object data structure of the project I am currently using is also satisfying.
`Path` is not yet supported because it can basically be handled by the `n, r, n2` structure in development.
package com.example.model.vertex.Person;
import lombok.Data;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.Table;
@Table(name = "person")
public class Person {
private String name;
private Integer age;
package com.example.model.edge.Like;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import javax.persistence.Table;
@Table(name = "like")
public class Like {
private Double likeness;
package com.example.dao;
import org.nebula.contrib.ngbatis.proxy.NebulaDaoBasic;
import com.example.model.vertex.Person;
public interface PersonDao extends NebulaDaoBasic<Person, String>{}
Note, this is a mandatory requirement.
package com.example.service;
import org.nebula.contrib.ngbatis.utils.Page;
import com.example.dao.PersonDao;
import com.example.model.vertex.Person;
import com.example.model.edge.Like;
public class PersonServiceImpl {
@Autowired private PersonDao dao;
public void demos() {
// Implement two node insertions
Person tom = new Person();
dao.insert( tom );
Person jerry = new Person();
jerry.setName( "Jerry" );
dao.insert( jerry );
// Establishing the relationship between two nodes
Like like = new Like( 0.99999 );
dao.insertEdge( tom, like, jerry );
// Find people who like jerry
String jerryId = jerry.getName();
List<Person> whoLikeJerry = dao.listStartNodes( Like.class, jerryId );
// Find the only people who like jerry, Non-Unique Times Error。(Limited to scenarios where there is only one upstream for a given relationship)
Person tom = dao.startNode( Like.class, jerryId );
// See the Like relationship between Tom and Jerry
String tomId = tom.getName();
Boolean tomLikeJerry = dao.existsEdge( tomId, Like.class, jerryId ); // true
Boolean jerryLikeTom = dao.existsEdge( jerryId, Like.class, tomId ); // false
// Poor Tom
// Find all information by Tom's name
Person tomDb = dao.selectById( "Tom" );
// Search by page
Page<Person> page = new Page<>();
List<Person> personPage = dao.selectPage( page );
page.getTotal(); // 2 rows, Tom and Jerry
Boolean theyAreFamily = page.getRows() == personPage; // true
// The story always wants to have a good ending
dao.insertEdge( jerry, like, tom );
// More base class operations are still under development;Expectations
- beetl, BSD-3, we proudly use the beetl template language as our template engine, which is consumed in binary package(as is).
NGBATIS is under the Apache License, Version 2.0.