
Primary LanguagePython

Item Catalog project


This is the second project for the Udacity full stack web developer nanodegree ,this is a web application that provides a list of items within a variety of categories as well as provide a user registration and authentication system,where registered users will have the ability to post, edit and delete their own items.


  • python3
  • Vagrant
  • VirtualBox
  • Git

How to run

1.Download and install last version of Vagrant , Virtual Box,Git and Python

2.open bash terminal and type the following

git clone https://github.com/omar-bakr/Full-Stack-Web-Developer-Nanodegree.git

cd Project 2

vagrant up

vagrant ssh

cd /vagrant

python database_setup.py

python dummy_data.py

python app.py

Then open chrome or any browser and go to this URL to see the web application :-


JSON endpoints


