
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Basic Git and Node setup task

⚠️ Before using this repo, make sure this is indeed the repo corresponding to your tutorial group

Config your git username and email in terminal (only for first time usage)

  1. Open your terminal and type the following
  2. git config --global user.name "<write your github username>"
  3. git config --global user.email "<write your github email>"

Clone this repository to your local machin

  1. Navigate using your terminal or git bash to the desktop
  2. Clone this repo by typing git clone https://github.com/SE-GUC/<Task1-X-Y>.git X={BI, ENG} and Y={your tutorial}
  3. You should now have a folder containing the example code

Open the project and edit a file

  1. Open server/index.js
  2. Add your name and id (as a string) to the students array

Install the required node packages

  1. Navigate to using your terminal to server/ folder and type npm i alt text
  2. npm i will install some packages and dependencies so make sure you have an internet connection

Run the node server and check if your name is displayed!

  1. Write node index.js to run the server alt text
  2. The server should start running locally on port 3000
  3. Open your browser and go to this url localhost:3000 alt text
  4. You should see one link called Students, press this link to go to the students' page alt text
  5. At this point, you should see your name in the list of students
  6. Now, come back to this github page and create a pull request adding your name and id to this repo's index.js file
  7. To make sure everything is correct, you should see that your pull request is changing 1 file (index.js) and that you added 1 line which is simply your name and id in the array
  8. Your pull request and its changes are the proof that you have successfully learned how things work so far!