
Primary LanguageHTML

DataBase session task

Query for the second user with highest total purchases

SELECT user_id,COUNT(product_id),SUM(product.price)
FROM cart
INNER JOIN product
WHERE product.id=product_id
GROUP BY user_id  

Query result

user_id COUNT(product_id) SUM(product.price)
1 2 25000
2 1 15000

Query for the best selling product

SELECT product.name,COUNT(product_id)
FROM order_prodcut
INNER JOIN product
WHERE product.id=product_id
GROUP BY product_id;

Query result

name COUNT(product_id)
iphone 12 2
samsun 1

Query for the best selling category

SELECT categories.name,COUNT(category_id)
FROM product_category
INNER JOIN categories
WHERE categories.id=category_id
GROUP BY category_id;

Query result

name COUNT(category_id)
electronics 2

Note:I have attached the ERD design alongside with some screenshots.