
My dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell


This repository contains my personal dotfiles. Take anything you want, but at your own risk.

It mainly targets debain-based distros. It is designed to be extensible, simple and modular.


  • Neovim the next-gen vim-based text editor
  • Alacritty the fast, GPU-based terminal emulator
  • Bash as default shell
  • Colored ls with vivid
  • Fast and colored prompt with starship
  • Updated git global defaults
  • Well-organized and easy to customize
  • The installation and setup is tested on a real Ubuntu machine using a GitHub Action


Only bash, apt, sudo and curl are required. The script will install everything else by itself.

Run this:

bash -c 'source <(curl -fSL# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/omar-besbes/.dotfiles/main/bootstrap.sh)' && . ~/.bashrc

How "dotfiles" works

When bootstrap is run, it does a few things:

  1. Git is installed if necessary via APT.
  2. This repo is cloned into your user directory, under ~/.dotfiles.
  3. Various basic packages are installed if not found (e.g. curl, rustup, nvm).
  4. Fonts are installed (Hack, JetBrainsMono, RobotoMono).
  5. Setup each topic in src directory.


Update current shell session by running . ~/.bashrc to get all the good stuff :).
This is done automatically during setup.


Root (/)

  • bootstrap.sh - Calls all setup.sh scripts

Source (src/)

The /src directory contains all topics configurations. A topic is basically a folder with configuration for a piece of software that must have a setup.sh file as an entry point. Each topic is responsible for setting up itself and should not depend on other topics. All other folders inside src without setup.sh are ignored and are not considered topics.

Git (src/git/)

  • setup.sh - Symlinks all git files to ~
  • gitconfig - Sets several global Git variables (.gitconfig)

Neovim (src/neovim/)

  • setup.sh - Symlinks ~/.config/nvim to src/neovim/nvim
  • nvim/ - My neovim config as a git submodule. Checkout the repository.

Shell (src/shell/)

  • setup.sh - Symlinks all fish files to their corresponding location in ~ and calls all sub-setup.sh.
  • bash_logout - Cleans up on shell logout (.bash_logout)
  • bash_profile - Contains bash configuration on shell login (.bash_profile)
  • bashrc - Contains bash configuration on shell startup (.bashrc)
  • inputrc - Contains GNU Readline configuration of command-line editing feature (.inputrc)
  • core/
    • init.sh - Sources all .sh files in the directory.
    • aliases.sh - Contains common aliases that I use daily.
    • options.sh - Contains bash shell configuration options.
    • env.sh - Sets environment variables.
    • functions.sh - Contains utilities functions that I use daily.
  • bash_completion/
    • init.sh - Finds all bash completion files in ~/.bash_completion.d and sources them.
  • prompt/
    • init.sh - Sets the prompt on shell startup.
    • setup.sh - Installs starship and symlinks ~/.config/starship.toml to starship.toml.
    • starship.toml - Contains starship config.
  • ls-colors/
    • init.sh - Sets the LS_COLORS environment variable on shell startup using vivid.
    • setup.sh - Installs vivid.
  • welcome-screen/
    • init.sh - Displays a nice message on shell startup.
    • setup.sh - Installs figlet and figlet fonts.

Terminal emulator (src/terminal-emulator/)

  • setup.sh - Calls alacritty's setup.sh
  • alacritty/
    • setup.sh - Installs alacritty and symlinks ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml to alacritty.yml.
    • alacritty.yml - Contains alacritty config.

Helper Scripts (scripts/)

The /scripts directory contains executable shell scripts (including the dotfiles script) and symlinks to executable shell scripts. This directory is added to the path.

  • utils.sh - Contains helper functions for printing progress messages
  • load_topics.sh - Contains helper function for calling all init.sh scripts in a directory
  • setup_topics.sh - Contains helper function for calling all setup.sh scripts in a directory
  • symlink_files.sh - Contains helper function for symlinking files
  • sync_files.sh - Contains helper function for synchronizing current dotfiles repository with remote

Tests (test/)

The /test directory contains tests.

  • test.sh - Contains tests to be run inside the container
  • docker-compose.yml - Contains a description of the test environments. There are 2 test environments: one that clones the repository and another that runs the install command in README.md
  • Dockerfile - Contains instructions to build a docker image of the test environment

Backups (backups/)

The /backups directory gets created when necessary. Any files in ~/ that would have been overwritten during installation get backed up there.


  • Git
  • Shell
  • Text editor
  • Prompt
  • Terminal emulator
  • Automated tests
  • Remote install
  • Fonts
  • Move all config files in /backups before setup (only a small part is moved)
  • Uninstall script
  • Github & Gitlab SSH keys auto generation
  • Mail client
  • Window manger + display manager
  • Other shells compatibility (only bash supported for now)


This project was heavily inspired by rkalis' dotfiles and by cătălin's dotfiles.

Many thanks to the dotfiles community.


I want this to work for everyone; that means when you clone it down it should work for you. That said, I do use this as my dotfiles, so there's a good chance I may break something if I forget to make a check for a dependency.

If you're brand-new to the project and run into any blockers, please open an issue on this repository and I'd love to get it fixed for you!