
It's just like a blog application. but here it's intended as a place where users can write there diaries. some of it's functionalities are: likes,comments, drafts, following system

Primary LanguagePython


It's just like a blog application. but here it's intended as a place where users can write there diaries. some of it's functionalities are: likes,comments, drafts, following system, notification(not in real time for now)...

What i used:

  • Django: backend
  • django-ckeditor: Diray content editor.
  • django-crispy-forms: To render forms
  • django-notification-hq: To manage notifications
  • bleach: To clean and linkfy diary content
  • sorl-thumbnail: to generate thumbnails for images.
  • ...

for production:

  • python-decouple: To store sensative data as environement variables.
  • dj-database-url: Instead of DB_USER, DB_HOST... use DATABASE_URL
  • django-storages + dropbox: Where i store media files.

Well, there is much more to go.

To run it locally:

  • download or clone the repo
  • create a virtual environment
  • cp .env.example .env
  • pip install requirements.txt
  • python manage migrate --settings=yawm.settings.dev
  • python manage runserver --settings=yawm.settings.dev