Realtime Search box

The objective of this project is to develop a sophisticated web application centered around a curated collection of articles. The primary focus lies in implementing a robust search functionality that not only allows users to discover articles efficiently but also facilitates the systematic recording and sanitization of search queries for subsequent analytical endeavors.

Built With

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Tailwind
  • Postgres
  • Redis
  • Hotwire

Getting Started

Live demo



  • Ruby
  • Postgres server
  • Redis server


Clone this repo and enter the directory. && cd realtime-search-box


Run the following command to install all the dependencies.

bundle install


Run the following command to start the server, then go to http://localhost:3000

rails db:create # create database
rails db:migrate # migrate tables
rails db:seed # load all data in database from seed.rb

bin/dev # necessary to start the app for the first time
---- or ----
rails s # can be used after starting the app at least once


👤 Omar Ragheb

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