Movie Task - Schedule Movie Seeder using Laravel

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Simple Schedule to seed most popular movies from


  1. Make sure that docker is installed on your machine
  2. copy the contents of .env.example into .env
  3. Run the following command to build the docker container: docker-compose build
  4. After the build finishes run the following command to run the container: docker-compose up
  5. When the container is running ,Open a new terminal and run the following command to to access container :
    docker exec -it seeder-app bash -c "sudo -u devuser /bin/bash" 
  6. Run php artisan migrate:fresh --seed to create database table and seed the movie genres.
  7. Run php artisan short-schedule:run to start the schedule.
  8. Import the file Movie_task.postman_collection in postman.


  1. Just one end point http://localhost:8000/api/movies
  2. You can filter by Category_id if added as a paramater to the url.
  3. You can sort by rate&popular whether asc or desc.