
Automatic Vector Math Functions In Zig

Primary LanguageZigMIT No AttributionMIT-0


Automatic vector math functions for your vector structs.


Just add VecFns with usingnamespace to your struct, you will get the usual math functions for your vector. All fields of the struct should be the same type, and also be numeric.

const VecFns = @import("./vec_fns.zig").VecFns;

const MyVec = struct {
  pub usingnamespace VecFns(@This());
  a: i32,
  b: i32,
  c: i32

const Vec2f = struct {
  pub usingnamespace VecFns(@This());
  x: f64,
  y: f64,


The following functions will be in the namespace of your struct type after including VecFns.

// Applies a function `f` to the vector. `args` is any additional arguments to be passed to `f`.
fn map(self: Self, comptime f: anytype, args: anytype) Self

// Same as `map` but without args argument.
fn apply(self: Self, comptime f: anytype) Self

// Applies a function `f` to 2 vectors.
fn map2(a: anytype, b: anytype, comptime f: anytype, args: anytype) Self

// Same as `map`, reduces the vector into a single value.
fn reduce(self: Self, comptime f: anytype, args: anytype) T

// Adds either 2 vectors or a vector and a scalar value.
fn add(self: Self, other: anytype) Self

// Subtracts either 2 vectors or a vector and a scalar value.
fn sub(self: Self, other: anytype) Self

// Multiplies either 2 vectors or a vector and a scalar value.
fn mul(self: Self, other: anytype) Self

// Divides either 2 vectors or a vector and a scalar value.
fn div(self: Self, other: anytype) Self

// Same as div, but uses `@divExact`
fn divExact(self: Self, other: anytype) Self

// Same as div, but uses `@divFloor`
fn divFloor(self: Self, other: anytype) Self

// Returns the sum of the vector.
fn sum(self: Self) T

// Given 2 vectors or a vector and a scalar value, returns a vector with the maximum between the 2.
fn max(self: Self, other: Self) Self

// Given 2 vectors or a vector and a scalar value, returns a vector with the minimum between the 2.
fn min(self: Self, other: Self) Self

// Checks if the vector is equal to `other` (can be a vector or a scalar)
fn eq(self: Self, other: anytype) bool

// Attempts to covert/cast the vector into another vector type. 
fn into(self: Self, comptime VType: type) VType

// Joins two vector into a vector size 2\*N.
fn join(self: Self, other: Self) [2 * N]T

// Returns the zero vector.
fn zero() Self

// Returns a vector where all values are `n`.
fn all(n: anytype) Self

// Coverts the vector into an array of type `[N]T`.
fn toArray(self: Self) [N]T

// Create a vector from an array.
fn fromArray(array: [N]T) Self

// Length of the vector. (Float only)
fn len(self: Self) T

// Distance between 2 vectors. (Float only)
fn distance(self: Self, other: anytype) T

// Normalizes the vector values to [0, 1]. (Float only)
fn norm(self: Self) Self