Backend Assessment

Backend assessment assignment implemented using Rust + + SQLite. Uses JWT tokens for authorization.



  • Request Body => JSON
        "name" : String
        "email" : String
        "password" : String
        "account_type" : "Doctor" | "Patient" | "Admin"


  • Request Body => JSON
        "email": String,
        "password": String
  • Response Body => JWT Token


  • Response Body => JSON


  • Path Params
    doctor_id: Integer


  • Path Params
    doctor_id: Integer
  • Request Header
    Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>
  • Request Body => JSON
        "date": ISO-8601 String
  • Response Body => JSON
        "patient_id": Option<Integer>, //Admins and Doctors only
        "start_date": ISO-8601 String,
        "duration": Integer


Books an appointment with a doctor. Must be a Patient.

  • Path Params
    doctor_id: Integer
  • Request Header
    Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>
  • Request Body => JSON
        "start_date": ISO-8601 String
        "duration": Integer
  • Response Body => Appointment ID Integer


Cancels the appointment. Must be Doctor or Admin

  • Path Params
    appointment_id: Integer
  • Request Header
    Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>


Shows available doctors for a given date. Must be an Admin.

  • Request Header
    Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>
  • Request Body => JSON
        "date": ISO-8601 String
  • Response Body => JSON


Shows appointment detials if authorized.

  • Path Params
    appointment_id: Integer
  • Request Header
    Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>
  • Response Body => JSON
          "id": Integer,
          "doctor_id": Integer,
          "patient_id": Integer,
          "start_date": DateTime<FixedOffset>,
          "duration": Integer,
          "status": AppointmentStatus,


  • Path Params
    patient_id: Integer
  • Request Header
    Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>
  • Response Body => JSON
          "id": Integer,
          "doctor_id": Integer,
          "patient_id": Integer,
          "start_date": DateTime<FixedOffset>,
          "duration": Integer,
          "status": AppointmentStatus,


Lists doctors with the most appointments in a given day. Admin Only.

  • Request Header
    Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>
  • Request Body => JSON
        "date": ISO-8601 String
  • Response Body => JSON
      "doctor_id": Integer,
      "appointments_count": Integer,
      "booked_mins": Integer,


Lists doctors with the 6+ hours of appointments in a given day. Admin Only.

  • Request Header
    Authorization: Bearer <JWT Token>
  • Request Body => JSON
        "date": ISO-8601 String
  • Response Body => JSON
      "doctor_id": Integer,
      "appointments_count": Integer,
      "booked_mins": Integer,