Laravel Social Platform

this is a social platform APIs Where you can do basic authentication, posting, commenting, managing friends & sharing posts on your profile.


clone this project using command line

  git clone
  cd social-platform-laravel

  composer install 

  php artisan key:generate

open your .env file and place the right configuration for Database connection

php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed

and to run your application

php artisan ser

for testing the APIs you'll need Postman

for better results while using the endpoints in Postman make sure to add a header with the key "Accept" and value of "applicatoin/json"

API Reference

Auth Routes

Registering new users

  POST /api/v1/auth/register
Parameter Type Description
name string Required.
email email Required.
password string Required.
phone string Required.

User Login

returns token that the user will use in all of authenticated routes.

  POST /api/v1/auth/login
Parameter Type Description
email email Required.
paswword string Required.

Social Login

only github is supported now

social login is implemented using:

the package makes it easy to implement login\register with social platforms, for sake of saving time i just made it with github.

  GET /api/v1/auth/login/{provider}
Parameter Type Description
provider string Required.

the package redirects the user to the Signin page of the provider (platform he wishes to sign in\up with) and after the user auhorizes his data access the application redirects to callback endpoint where it's checked if the user exists so he should be logged in or he's a new user so he should be registered.

note that both endpoints of social login should be used with web browsers & not Postman

    GET /api/v1/auth/login/{provider}

password resetting

this route is for the server to handle sending a reset password email to the user.

for quicker testing of this endpoint, in .env file make the MAIL_MAILER=log and you'll find the password reset mail in your application's logs
  POST /api/v1/auth/reset-passowrd-submit
Parameter Type Description
email email Required.

in the email there's a link to a local view that asks the user to input new password and submits it to this endpoint to validate and update the user

 POST /api/v1/auth/confirm-reset
Parameter Type Description
email email Required.
token string Required.
password string Required.

token is created by the server to authenticate the process and prevent data forgery.


 POST /api/v1/auth/logout

this route demands the user to be authenticated. don't forget to add the token in the Postman Headers.

User endpoints

    GET /api/v1/users/{id}

this endpoint is used to view any user's profile

Parameter Type Description
id string Required.

it shows the user's profile with posts he wrote and shared posts.

    POST /api/v1/users/search

this endpoint is used to view any user's profile

Parameter Type Description
search_param string Required.

this endpoint is used to search users by querying the database for any near matches of the search_param against name,phone & bio.

    POST /api/v1/users/update

this endpoint is used to view any user's profile

Parameter Type Description
name string string,max:255.
email string string,email,max:255.
paswword string string,min:8.
phone string string,min:11,max:13.
profile_pic string string,max:255.
bio string string,max:255.

this endpoint is used to update the user's data.

    GET /api/v1/user/profile

The endpoint is used to make the user view his own profile with his data and posts

Posts endpoint


    GET /api/v1/posts

this is index of posts simillar to a news feed endpoint where posts appear with likes & comments count.

show a post

    GET /api/v1/posts/{id}

views the post with the id in the url with the posts comments and likes on the post and each comment

add a post

    POST /api/v1/posts/
Parameter Type Description
title string Required.
body string Required.

update post

user can only update posts of his own

    POST /api/v1/posts/update{id}
Parameter Type Description
title string Required.
body string Required.

delete post

user can only delete posts of his own

    DELETE /api/v1/posts/destroy/{id}

Like or Unlike a post

Users can Interact with posts. The interactions between users and posts and users among eachother like sending friend requests is implemented by laravel-acquaintances package :

    POST /api/v1/posts/interact/{id}
Parameter Type Description
like boolean Required.

user can like a post and unlike it if he did like it. user can't like a post twice or unlike it twice.

Who liked this Post?

to view users who like this post

    GET /api/v1/posts/likers/{id}

Sharing a post to your profile

    POST /api/v1/posts/share/{id}

User can share other users posts on his profile or even his own posts.

Comments on Posts

Add a comment on Post

    POST /api/v1/comments/store/{post_id}
Parameter Type Description
body string Required.

view a comment on Post

    GET /api/v1/comments/{id}
Parameter Type Description
body string Required.

update a comment on Post

    PATCH /api/v1/comments/{id}
Parameter Type Description
body string Required.

delete a comment on Post

    DELETE /api/v1/comments/destroy/{id}

liking a Comment

    POST /api/v1/comments/interact/{id}

Who liked this Comment

    GET /api/v1/comments/likers/{id}

Friendships Between Users

users can send friend requests to other ones. the reciepients can accepts or decline the friend requests.

Sending A friend request

    POST /api/v1/friendships/send-request/{id}

the authenticated user can send friend requests to other users with the {id} in the url.

View pending friend request

    POST /api/v1/friendships/send-request/{id}

the authenticated user can send friend requests to other users with the {id} in the url.

respond to a pending friend request

    POST /api/v1/friendships/respond-to-request/{id}

the authenticated user can accept or decline the friend request sent from the user with the {id} mentioned in the url

respond to a pending friend request

    GET /api/v1/friendships/list

returns all friends that the user has

Managing a user/friend

    POST /api/v1/friendships/manage/{id}

user can manage any other user "he can unfriend them if they're friends, block them or unblock them" the action is taken upon the user with the {id} in url

Parameter Type Description
action [unfriend,block,unblock] Required.