
Flutter Search Flickr

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter Search with Flickr

Prepare to surf all the images that Flickr has to offer.

  • Beware: disturbing images may appear while searching...


This search allows users to search tags or titles of images from Flickr's public api.

AC Completed

  • Make the call to the web service in a way that does not block the UI.
  • The user interface must remain responsive to touch during the call and while the images are downloaded asynchronously into the list.
  • Results will be displayed in a list that shows one row/cell per record with each row containing at least image, title, width and height.

AC To Do

  • When a user clicks on an image, show a detail page containing metadata about the image (the image URL, title, or whatever is available).
  • For accessibility purposes, give selectable images the button trait so that they are announced as such. Also announce nav titles as the pages are navigated to.


  • Flutter
  • Dart
Gif Snapshot