Not working properly, it's just a testing project to check the differences of multiple tools in network scanning.
A simple agents system that's used to monitor a list of IP Ranges.
A Share is a list of ip ranges that the agent scans to determine which ip ranges are being scanned and which are not. An Agent requests a share based on the machine's capabilities to make sure ip ranges are being scanned on daily basis.
participant Agent
participant API
participant Database
Agent->>API: Requesting $Count of IP Ranges (Share)
API->>Database: Retrieve $Count of IP Ranges and mark them
Database-->>API: Return list
API-->>Agent: Return Share
loop IPRanges
Agent->>Agent: Scan IP Range
Agent->>API: Save results
API->>Database: Add results to database
loop HeartBeat
API-->>Agent: Send HeartBeat to agents to check for free shares
API-->>Database: Mark shares as free