
NoSQL DB ie Nonrelational. JSON like docs. To implement in an app use a Schema

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MongoDB Short Learning Curve 263 2526 56837 727225

How To Install MongoDB

root@omarbelkady:~$ sudo apt install mongodb

Package Used To Interract With MongoDB

root@omarbelkady:~$ npm install mongoose --save

Important Concept:

  • MongoDB stores docs(aka rows) in what are called collections(table)
  • MongoDB stores data records as Binary Documents. BSON is the binary(fav lev of program for @alanngo) repr of JSON docs.

BSON Data Types

Type Alias
Double double
String string
Object object
Array array
ObjectId objectId
Boolean bool
Date date
Null null
Regular Expression regex
Javascript javascript
32 Bit Integer Int
64 Bit Integer long
Decimal128 decimal
Min and Max Key minKey maxKey

How Do We Connect To MongoDB

  • Client makes a request to the server
  • Server connects to the DB
  • Data is retrieved from the DB and it displays the data(if available) in the browser(Client)

Basic Commands

Display The Name of the current db

root@omarbelkady:~$ db

Get The Name #2:

root@omarbelkady:~$ db.getName();

Start the database


Connect to the Database


Show The List of Databases

show dbs;

Switch to the cstsffb database

use cstsffb

Create a collection

db.createCollection("76lanc6", {YOUR_OPTIONS_GO_HERE});

Show the list of Database Collections

show collections

Creating Stuff

Insert data into a document


Insert a student into a collection a js object with a js extension


Insert Many student into the collection a js object with a js extension


Insert A Single Document

insertOne(data, differentOptionsYouWant);

Insert Many Documents

insertMany(data, differentOptionsYouWant);

Insert Many Documents #2


Reading Data

Show the data within a collection

  • find takes two arguments the query criteria and the projection
  • limit to 7 students
  • age and name can be referred to as the columns in SQL
  { age: { $gt: 21} },
  { name: 1, address: 1},
db.collectionNAME.find({fname: "Omar"}).pretty();

Return Specific Fields of Omar

db.collectionNAME.find({fname: "Omar"}, {fname: 1,  lname: 1, gender: 1}).pretty();

Exclude Specific Fields of Omar

db.collectionNAME.find({fname: "Omar"}, {fname: 1,  lname: 1, likesJava: 0}).pretty();

Find All The Matching Documents

find(filter, options)

Return the first Document That has the best Match

findOne(filter, options)

Updating Data

Update one document within the collection


Update Many Documents within the collection


Update A Documents within the collection

db.collectionNAME.update([_id: ObjectId("qZvCf/4+AcPdqHoNMkrrXbsz66H3NOMkzbDzF+Uv9HI=")]);

Fully replace a document

replaceOne(filter, data, options)

Deleting Data

Delete One Document

deleteOne(filter, options)

Delete Many Documents

deleteMany(filter, options)

Delete A Database

root@omarbelkady:~$ db.dropDatabase();

Delete A Database Num2

root@omarbelkady:~$ db.DBNAME.drop();

Delete A Database Num2

root@omarbelkady:~$ db.animals.drop();

Help With DB Command

root@omarbelkady:~$ db.help();


Arguments passed in are to filter collection


Return A Match That is Equal to The Specific Value I inputed


Return A Match That is Greater than The Specific Value I inputed


Return A Match That is Greater than Or Equal To The Specific Value I inputed


Return A Match if there is any values supplied in the array

$["key":{$in: [arrOfValues] } ]

Return A Match That Is less than the value I supplied


Return A Match That is Less than Or Equal To The Specific Value I inputed


Return A Match That Is not equal to the value I supplied


Return A Match That Has NONE OF the value I supplied


And Operator Syntax

$and: { [], [] }