MongoDB Short Learning Curve 263 2526 56837 727225
root@omarbelkady:~$ sudo apt install mongodb
Package Used To Interract With MongoDB
root@omarbelkady:~$ npm install mongoose --save
- MongoDB stores docs(aka rows) in what are called collections(table)
- MongoDB stores data records as Binary Documents. BSON is the binary(fav lev of program for @alanngo) repr of JSON docs.
Type |
Alias |
Double |
double |
String |
string |
Object |
object |
Array |
array |
ObjectId |
objectId |
Boolean |
bool |
Date |
date |
Null |
null |
Regular Expression |
regex |
Javascript |
javascript |
32 Bit Integer |
Int |
64 Bit Integer |
long |
Decimal128 |
decimal |
Min and Max Key |
minKey maxKey |
How Do We Connect To MongoDB
- Client makes a request to the server
- Server connects to the DB
- Data is retrieved from the DB and it displays the data(if available) in the browser(Client)
Display The Name of the current db
root@omarbelkady:~$ db.getName();
Show The List of Databases
Switch to the cstsffb database
db.createCollection("76lanc6", {YOUR_OPTIONS_GO_HERE});
Show the list of Database Collections
Insert data into a document
Insert a student into a collection a js object with a js extension
Insert Many student into the collection a js object with a js extension
insertOne(data, differentOptionsYouWant);
insertMany(data, differentOptionsYouWant);
Show the data within a collection
- find takes two arguments the query criteria and the projection
- limit to 7 students
- age and name can be referred to as the columns in SQL
{ age: { $gt: 21} },
{ name: 1, address: 1},
db.collectionNAME.find({fname: "Omar"}).pretty();
Return Specific Fields of Omar
db.collectionNAME.find({fname: "Omar"}, {fname: 1, lname: 1, gender: 1}).pretty();
Exclude Specific Fields of Omar
db.collectionNAME.find({fname: "Omar"}, {fname: 1, lname: 1, likesJava: 0}).pretty();
Find All The Matching Documents
Return the first Document That has the best Match
Update one document within the collection
Update Many Documents within the collection
Update A Documents within the collection
db.collectionNAME.update([_id: ObjectId("qZvCf/4+AcPdqHoNMkrrXbsz66H3NOMkzbDzF+Uv9HI=")]);
replaceOne(filter, data, options)
deleteOne(filter, options)
deleteMany(filter, options)
root@omarbelkady:~$ db.dropDatabase();
root@omarbelkady:~$ db.DBNAME.drop();
root@omarbelkady:~$ db.animals.drop();
Arguments passed in are to filter collection
Return A Match That is Equal to The Specific Value I inputed
Return A Match That is Greater than The Specific Value I inputed
Return A Match That is Greater than Or Equal To The Specific Value I inputed
Return A Match if there is any values supplied in the array
$["key":{$in: [arrOfValues] } ]
Return A Match That Is less than the value I supplied
Return A Match That is Less than Or Equal To The Specific Value I inputed
Return A Match That Is not equal to the value I supplied
Return A Match That Has NONE OF the value I supplied