LaraUtilX: Unleash the Power of Laravel with Utilities and Helpers

LaraUtilX is a comprehensive Laravel package designed to supercharge your development experience by providing a suite of utility classes, helpful traits, middleware, and more. Whether you're a seasoned Laravel developer or just getting started, LaraUtilX offers a collection of tools to streamline common tasks and enhance the functionality of your Laravel applications.

Key Features

  1. CrudController: Simplify your CRUD operations with the generic CrudController that can be easily extended, allowing you to create, read, update, and delete records effortlessly.

  2. ApiResponseTrait: Craft consistent and standardized API responses with the ApiResponseTrait. This trait provides helper methods for formatting JSON responses, making your API endpoints clean and well-structured.

  3. FileProcessingTrait: Manage file uploads and deletions seamlessly with the FileProcessingTrait. This trait offers methods for uploading single or multiple files, deleting files, and now retrieving file contents.

  4. ValidationHelperTrait: Validate user input with ease using the ValidationHelperTrait. This trait includes handy methods for common validation scenarios, such as email addresses, phone numbers, and strong passwords.

  5. SchedulerMonitor: Keep an eye on your scheduled tasks with the SchedulerUtil utility. Monitor upcoming scheduled events, check if tasks are overdue, and gain insights into the status of your scheduled jobs.

  6. FilteringUtil: Effortlessly filter data based on specified criteria with the FilteringUtil. This utility provides a convenient way to filter collections or arrays based on field names, operators, and values.

  7. AccessLogMiddleware: LaraUtilX includes middleware components like the AccessLogMiddleware to log access to your application, adding an extra layer of security and accountability.

  8. PaginationUtil: Seamlessly handle paginated data with LaraUtilX's PaginationUtil. This utility simplifies the process of paginating query results, allowing you to customize the number of items per page, navigate through paginated results effortlessly, and present data in a user-friendly manner.

  9. CachingUtil: Optimize performance and reduce database queries using LaraUtilX's CachingUtil. Store and retrieve frequently accessed data with ease, taking advantage of features like customizable cache expiration and cache tags.

  10. ConfigUtil: Manage your Laravel configuration settings effortlessly with the ConfigUtil. Retrieve, set defaults, and dynamically manipulate configuration data. Simplify the way you interact with your application's configuration, ensuring a clean and organized approach.

How to Get Started

  1. Install LaraUtilX using Composer:
    composer require omarchouman/lara-util-x
  2. Explore the included utilities, traits, and middleware in your Laravel project.
  3. Customize and extend LaraUtilX to match the specific needs of your application.

Save time, enhance code readability, and boost your Laravel projects with LaraUtilX – the toolkit every Laravel developer deserves.