
qc-enabled VFX for a realtime visual programming environment

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


qc-enabled VFX for a realtime visual programming environment

This the repo for a project developped at the Qiskit Hackathon Global.

See our presentation here. And the QuantumBlur effect preview here.


MicroQiskit [github]

James Wootton's Quantum Blur

TigrisCallidus's Quantum Blur Unity

James Wootton's island_generator

James Wootton's quantograph

James Wootton's Quantum Graph

TD's documentation:

Matt Ragan's TD Summit 2019 | External Python Libraries Workshop [videos]

Matt Ragan's TouchDesigner | GitHub & External Toxes

Script TOP overview Easy Feature Tracking with Script TOP and OpenCV in TouchDesigner - Tutorial
