This Repo contains basic data structures and algorithms code examples to be used as a quick Reference

Primary LanguageC


This Repo Contains C implementation for the following Data structure and algorithms

Data Structures

1-Linear Queue 2-Ring Buffers 3-Stack using arrays 4-Stack uisng LinkedLists 5-Hash Tables 6-Binary search tree 7-Graph uisng Adjacnet list


1-Recursion concept with examples on Factorial and fibonacci 2-Bubble Sort 3-Insertion Sort 4-Merge Sort 5-Linear Search 6-Binary search 7-Breadth first search 8-Depth first search

More Resources

For Time Complexity of the above DS and Algo check this awesome website https://www.bigocheatsheet.com/

And if you find yourself struglling you could check this website which visualize various DS and Algorithm https://visualgo.net/en

If you find this interesting and you want to learn more check out this free book https://cses.fi/book/book.pdf

Happy Coding !!!