
Custom Liferay Elasticsearch adapter for the GSearch project

Primary LanguageJava

Liferay GSearch Elasticsearch Adapter

This is a customized Liferay Elasticsearch Adapter for the GSearch project. For details please see the GSearch project page at https://github.com/peerkar/liferay-gsearch.

Please see repo tags for specific adapter base versions.

How To Build a Custom Elasticsearch Adapter for Liferay


  • blade cli

Instruction for Linux Environment

  1. Create a working folder
  2. Go to working folder and run "blade init WORKSPACE_NAME" for example blade init elasticsearch-adapter-2.1.3-patched
  3. Go to workspace folder and clone com-liferay-search from git: git clone https://github.com/liferay/com-liferay-portal-search.git
  4. Find out the hash (commit id) for the adapter version you want to have by browsing com-liferay-elasticsearch/bnd.bnd history
  5. Go to clone folder and switch to the commit version, for example git fetch origin 226300aa249dbe147303a15b77099396575124a3 and git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
  6. From the local clone, remove all the other project than com-portal-search-elasticsearch
  7. Modify com-portal-search-elasticsearch build.gradle file (see below) for compiling to succeed. Thanks to Sampsa Sohlman for this:
  8. Run ../../../gradlew clean build

That's it.

Additions to build.gradle

if ( !System.getenv().containsKey("GITHUB_TOKEN") ) {
        gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { graph ->

                        def disabledTasks = [
                                "findbugsMain"  ,

            graph.allTasks.findAll {
                println "Name : " + it.name
                if (disabledTasks.contains(it.name)) {
                        println "Disable : " + it.name
                else {
                                        println "Enabled : " + it.name
else {
        apply from: "build-ext.gradle"

Files & Classes Customized or Added Compared to Default Adapter


  • build.gradle (To make the project to compile)
  • bnd.bnd (Naming change for GSearch)
  • CompanyIndexFactory.java (To add custom QuerySuggestion mapping)
  • ElasticSearchQueryTranslator.java (To use custom stringQuery translator)
  • resources/META-INF/index-settings.json (GSsearch analysis settings)
  • resources/META-INF/mappings/liferay-type-mapping.json (Customized field settings for content,description,subtitle and title to better support non standard ASCII languages...)


  • all classes in fi.soveltia* package
  • resources/META-INF/mappings/gsearch-querysuggestion-mapping.json (GSsearch querySuggestion mapping)

Modified files have been made a backup copy with syntax original_file_name.original