VC Challenge - Search API


this project has been developed with:

  • Redis
  • Go 1.22

How to setup the environment

To setup the environment, launch:

make setup-env

How To Run locally

To run the service locally, you need to launch a local redis instance. after doing that, just make a copy of app.env.example and name it app.env.

after satisfiyng the requirement, just launch

make debug

How To Run With Docker-Compose

To run both a prebuild Redis image and Api image on docker using compose, just make a copy of app.env.example and name it app.env. after doing that, just run

make run=dependencies

How To Run Tests

To run Tests, launch:

make test

How Would I Rank results returned from the API?

At the moment, there is not a proper ranking in the current API.

One possibility would be to rank the results based on the frequency of the searched terms inside the indexed document using one of the SOTA algoritms (BM25, TF-IDF, etc)