
Primary LanguageTypeScript

to install df-snarker on a fresh ubuntu 20.04 server target:

Create a group called docker

sudo groupadd docker

Add the first login user to the docker group

sudo usermod -aG docker `id -un -- 1000`

REBOOT to apply the group changes (don't skip this!)

Download the docker installer

curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh

install docker

sudo sh get-docker.sh

Install the first set of dependencies

sudo apt install -y git curl gcc g++ make build-essential

Add the repository for node

curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_15.x | sudo -E bash -

Install more dependencies

sudo apt install -y node-typescript nodejs

Install yarn with npm

sudo npm install --global yarn

Clone the df-snarker repository

git clone https://github.com/Bind/df-snarker

Enter the df-snarker repo

cd df-snarker

install with npm

npm install


npm run build

start the snarker

yarn run start

to start an existing installtion:

cd df-snarker

yarn run start

/move accepts the arguments snarkHelper.getMoveArgs

