
Pandoc extension to convert markdown to slack formatting.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Pandoc extension to convert markdown to slack formatting. More here: http://omarish.com/2018/06/24/convert-markdown-to-slack-formatting.html.


$ pandoc -f gfm -t slack.lua example.md


› cat example.md
# This is a first heading.

## This is a second heading.

This is a list:

1. Item 1.
2. Item 2.
3. Item 3.

_this text should be emphasized_

Convert to slack:

$ pandoc -f gfm -t slack.lua example.md


*This is a first heading.*

*This is a second heading.*

This is a list:

* Item 1.
* Item 2.
* Item 3.

_this text should be emphasized_

Installing with nix

If you use the Nix package manager you can install this tool as follows:

$ nix-env -f . -i 
$ echo "Hello *world*." | md2slack 
Hello _world_.


It will install a script named md2slack that accepts input via stdin.