JMeter integration plugin sample

Sample project demonstrate how to use Katalon Studio JMeter integration plugin.

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Katalon TestOps

Katalon TestOps is a web-based application that provides dynamic perspectives and an insightful look at your automation testing data. You can leverage your automation testing data by transforming and visualizing your data; analyzing test results; seamlessly integrating with such tools as Katalon Studio and Jira; maximizing the testing capacity with remote execution.

Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is a free and complete automation testing solution for Web, Mobile, and API testing with modern methodologies (Data-Driven Testing, TDD/BDD, Page Object Model, etc.) as well as advanced integration (JIRA, qTest, Slack, CI, Katalon TestOps, etc.). Learn more about Katalon Studio features.


  1. Download JMeter integration plugin by following the instructions in the doc
  2. Open your test project with Katalon Studio
  3. Include your version of JMeter properties in Include/jmeter-properties similar to this sample
  4. A JMeter runner has been implemented in Include/scripts/groovy/com/katalon/jmeter/KatalonJMeterRunner.groovy and can be customized as needed. Copy this file to your test project.


  1. Create a new test case
  2. Create a new JMeter sampler by calling com.katalon.jmeter.JMeterKeyword.createSampler custom keyword method from the Katalon Studio JMeter integration plugin and passing the test action specifying a series of test steps for this test case (or just call another test case). For example:
def testAction = {
	WebUI.callTestCase(findTestCase('Test Cases/REST examples/Simple examples/api-2-search/Search issues/Search issues by jql'),
				[('issue_key') : ''], FailureHandling.STOP_ON_FAILURE);

def sampler = CustomKeywords.'com.katalon.jmeter.JMeterKeyword.createSampler'(testAction);
  1. Run the JMeter test with the JMeter runner.
def runner = new KatalonJMeterRunner();;
  1. The Katalon's test reports are available in the Reports/<test time>/<test suite's name> directory.

  2. The JMeter's test reports are available in the Reports/<test time>/<test suite's name>/jmeter-report directory.

  3. Happy testing!