Wizard App example

The app covers:

  • Data entered is stored in a user model at the end of the wizard.

  • Session storage to returning users.

  • Includes model validations with form validation feedback.

  • Structured in incremental object (Step{n}) to avoid loading the entire User model.

  • Develop entirely in the cloud (

  • Includes a link to a deployment in Heroku.


  • PostgreSQL connector.

  • HAML templating system.

  • Bootstrap for styling view components.

  • JQuery for user interactions.

  • SimpleForm to generate form objects.

  • RSpec for the following types of tests: models, controllers, and features.

  • FactoryGirl to create mock objects.

To run the application: (tested in C9 IDE)

  • Positioning in the project folder:
$ cd ~/workspace/wizard_app
  • Ensure the PostgreSQL instance is running:
sudo service postgresql start
  • Ensure the libraries is up-to-date:
bundle install --without production
  • Restart the DB objects:
rails db:drop db:create db:migrate
  • Start the rails server with the correct binding:
rails s -b -p 8080

Project links: