
Tallukkabot is a basic chat bot developed in Python using the python-telegram-bot library. It is designed for fun and can respond to various inputs with humorous messages.


  • Responds to greetings with a friendly message.
  • Has specific responses to keywords "NIH" and more.
  • Supports custom commands such as /start, /help, and /papanviinat.
  • Provides amusing responses to user queries and inputs.


To chat with tallukkabot, just simply start conversation in Telegram private chat with @tallukkabot by typing /start


  • Greet bot with "moi" or "hei," and it will respond with a friendly message.
  • Mention "kalja," and the bot will share amusing responses related to beer.
  • Use the command /papanviinat to get a humorous response.

Running the Bot

The bot is currently running live on www.pythonanywhere.com/ and it is ready to respond to messages on Telegram!


Feel free to contribute to the project by adding more responses, commands, or improving the existing code. Submit a pull request with your changes.