Primary LanguageJavaScript


Heroku Backend https://hreynosoweb.herokuapp.com/

Netlify Frondend https://brilliant-marzipan-52baba.netlify.app/#/

Project Title

Personal Portfolio

Project Approach

This project will consist of a personal Portfolio, build from the ground up using the MERN STACK .

Backend and database

In the backend, I will create a REST API from scratch connected to MongoDB. then incorporate the use of the ODM Mongoose. I will create a JWT-protected Auth system and have the AccessToken to allow access and RefreshToken to retrieve sessions. The backend will be executed in Express JS and NODE.jS


For the client side of this portfolio, I will be using React and SASS. I will create a dynamic React Router Dom configuration as well as a Layout System. created an Administrator panel so that our users with privileges can manage the web. Add a blog system with pagination, that's managed from the admin panel.

API Section

I will create a course upload section connected to the Udemy Affiliate API.


A website without SEO is not a website, so I will be implementing basic SEO to the portfolio


The project will be deployed to the cloud usig MongoDB Atlas For the Database, Heroku for NODE.jS and Express Backend and Netlify for the Front End

Must Do before you run it

Install the Allow CORS: Access-Control-Allow-Origin for google chrome here is the link for it https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/allow-cors-access-control/lhobafahddgcelffkeicbaginigeejlf?hl=en

This is needed in order to view the ( Fetch courses from the API) it will only be temporary until i get an API KEY from UDEMY, once you install the extension just turn it on by clicking the big C

This is an ongoing project, I will be adding more features as time goes by.