
this is a simple web application to prove the concept of Common Data Environment(CDE)..

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bay Bridge

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A web-based application to prove the concept of The Common Data Environment (CDE) in The BIM Process, to gather all the project parties in one place to communicate easily with each other and follow up on the project status in real-time and navigate the project files and models, also you can assign tasks for users or teams to do in a specific time.

main features

  • Nice looking User Interface

  • server side validation

  • Communicate with All Project Parties

  • File Explorer.

  • The ability to Assign Tasks to other Project users or teams.

  • The ability to Upload different kinds of files

  • PDF, Img, Video and IFC Viewers.

  • The ability to make Teams with a leader to lead them

How to try the application?

  • Download the source code.
  • Open the appsettings.json and change the DB server to your one.
  • You can find the appsetting.json in (CDEITIProject/ITICDE/ITICDE/appsetting.json), or by opening the solution.
  • The server change in appsetting.json is in the line 12, change ITICDE-working into your server name in MS SQL Server.
  • Then you can Run the application and try it.
  • There are not any other third parties.


Database ERD

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Client Application

The client application consists mainly of 3 packages

  • controllers: This pacakage is Responsible for dealing with the app views

  • models: This package is for storing the data of the entities that send from the server

    • User
    • Team
    • Project
    • File
    • Folder
    • Task
    • View
  • Views:` This package is the views of the models and their CRUD operations you want to do.

Server Application

The big boss in this app The server is the responsable for every thing

  • validating User data
  • connecting with the database
  • stablish the conection between Users
  • receiving the message from User and send it to the other one etc...

The Web Application

When you open our website you will find the welcome page and our website features.

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Login & Register process


this is the login view if you want to access the your projects in the CDE.

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this is the Register view if you want to enter the CDE for the first time to be added in your projects.

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after the User login successfully he will get the welcome screen and informed
with the information with the page of his work-on projects.

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The Project user interface.

>After you login, you can access all your projects.
>But you can edit or delete only the projects you have created.

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>Create Project.

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When you Enter any of your projects, your will be redirected to the project file explorer.
You can make new folders or upload different kinds of files like PDF, IFC, Xlsx, rfa, jpg, png, mp4...

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PDF Viewer
If you Entered any PDF, Image or Video file it will open and you can edit the PDF file and save it as a new one.

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IFC Viewer.
You can view any IFC file as it represents the project model.
You can navigate the model and show each element and hide what you want.

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You can make teams with its leader and add users in it to have task to do.

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>Team Users

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>Having the ability to assign tasks to users or teams with some instructures or a specific view.

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>Create Tasks

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>Views >Here where you can save views from the IFC viewer to assign them as tasks.

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Save View

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New Task Alert
If you have a task, you will find this alert when you login the project.

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Omar Samy Mohammed Ayman
Aboubakr Naser Mariam Rashad