MERN: MongoDB + Express + Reach + Node
This is a small project that I have studied in this url:
$ npm init
$ npm i express --save
$ cd intro-mern-backend
$ node server.js
This is really helpful to have homogeneous code:
npm i --save-dev standard
This is helpful in dev time when a change is applied in the code, this library update the server automatically.
npm i --save-dev nodemon
This is really helpful for deploying services in order to control the port after each implementation of the code, this consists in create a .env
file inside the folder, this file needs to be ignored by git, and in the deployment process needs to be set.
In order to config this we require to install dotenv plugin:
$ npm i dotenv --save
This should be used with a file named config.js
In order to install mongo this link can be useful:
Since I am using OSX I have used Homebrew to command it:
$ brew install mongodb-community@4.2
If you get a formula error, you can use to update the tap:
$ brew tap mongodb/brew
The install creates:
- The configuration file (/usr/local/etc/mongod.conf)
- The log directory path (/usr/local/var/log/mongodb)
- The data directory path (/usr/local/var/mongodb)
From a terminal, execute this:
$ mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
In order to force to connect to the database first we need to use the instruction await
, this in combination with the initApp() as async function, will let app know to wait until the database is connected to proced later with the App initialization.
For this we can use body-parser library to install it we have to use:
$ npm i body-parser --save
To create your react application you can use this next command:
$ npx create-react-app intro-mern-frontend
To run the frontEnd we can go to the folder and use:
$ npm start
This library is really useful that has already created some components that we can re-use in our projects:
This can be installed using:
$ npm i react-bulma-components --save
// Run Mongo
$ mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
// Run BackEnd
$ cd intro-mern-backend
$ npm start-dev
// Run FrontEnd
$ cd intro-mern/intro-mern-frontend
$ npm start