Project that demonstrates a source editor crash that disables the autocomplete and living issues functionality when we migrated an app to IGListKit 4.0.0
This demo was builded using:
macOS Catalina 10.15.1
Xcode 11.3.1
Cocoapods 1.9.1
The demostration of this error is in the master
It consists in a working workspace in the path: TestingProject/Example/TestingProject.xcworkspace
It uses cocoapods as dependency manager and it is important to say that it compiles the dependencies as static frameworks
using the line: use_modular_headers!
in the Podfile
It has a dependency to the pod TestingProject
, the podspec can be found in the path: TestingProject/TestingProject.podspec
the source code in the path: TestingProject/TestingProject/Classes
, it is important to say the this pod has code in swift
and in objective-c, for testing pourpose here I only added a header file (Something.h
The pod TestingProject
has itself a dependency to the pod InnerPod
, the podspec can be found in
the path: InnerPod/InnerPod.podspec
and the source code in the path: InnerPod/Source
When you build the project it compiles without any error:
But if you try to autocomplete a function SourceKit crashes and Xcode shows the error "An internal error ocurred. Source editor functionalty is limited. Attemping to restore..."
Branch: downgrade
After a lot investigation I found that IGListKit was causing this, so I downgraded to version 3.4.0 and in that version there is no issue
It compiles correctly:
And it autocompletes correctly:
Branch: solution
I made a lot of tests, and it seems that this error was only affecting us with specific conditions, it is the sum of static libraries + an NSObject extension (file: NSObject+IGListDiffable.swift) + IGListKit 4.0.0
I want the advantages of IGListKit 4.0.0 and leaving out static libraries is not an option for us so I took many time to found out another way to solve it, I finally found that this extension was interfering somehow, and I changed the code from swift to objective-c and it solved the issue.
Original file:
New objective-c files:
It compiles:
And it autocompletes: