This repository contains various playgrounds I use with AWS.
I am an iOS developer, so my main focus is on macOS infrastructure. However, before using Mac instances, I opted to set up two Linux infrastructures, which are cheaper, before moving to Mac.
This repository offers three Auto Scaling Infrastructure setups:
- Linux Virtual Instances Infra (free tier eligible)
- Linux Dedicated Hosts Infra
- Mac Dedicated Hosts Infra
You should first read this article that explains how to set everything up.
AWS offers t2.micro
instances in their free tier.
Run this command to set up the infrastructure:
terraform -chdir=linux-infra apply
The differences between the configuration of a macOS infra and this one are these parameters:
- Max Idle Minutes Before Scaledown: 5 (Because these instances are easy to terminate, they can scale down quickly)
- Maximum Init Connection Timeout in sec: 180 (I used the default value since they connect quickly)
The label should be ec2-linux-fleet
so the Jenkinsfile located in jenkins/linux/Jenkinsfile
works out of the box.
I used a1
host family and a1.medium
Similar to macOS instances, it is required to request a limit increase for these dedicated hosts to use them.
Run this command to create the AMI with Packer:
packer build -var-file=config/linux.pkrvars.hcl .
Run this command to set up the infrastructure:
terraform -chdir=linux-dh-infra apply
I used the same configuration as in Linux Virtual instances Infra
The label should be ec2-dh-linux-fleet
so the Jenkinsfile located in jenkins/dh-linux/Jenkinsfile
works out of the box.
I used mac2
host family and mac2 .metal
It is required to request a limit increase for these dedicated hosts to use them.
Run this command to create the AMI with Packer:
packer build -var-file=config/macos.pkrvars.hcl .
Run this command to set up the infrastructure:
terraform -chdir=macos-dh-infra apply
The configuration can be found in the article.
The label should be ec2-dh-mac-fleet
so the Jenkinsfile located in jenkins/mac/Jenkinsfile
works out of the box.