Play against this engine at
Frontent Implemented in Reactjs
It allows playing as white or black. Reverting to any previous position in the game:
It also allows setting an arbitrary position using Forsyth Edwards Notation:
Glee is a chess engine written in Golang. Glee adheres to the Universal Chess Interface (UCI) protocol over a websocket connection on port 8081. To connect with Glee from a websocket client, connect at /uci
Glee is a fully working chess engine, but is being continually improved. Progress can be tracked on the project page here
Glee was originally undertaken as a method of learning the ins and outs of Golang. As a user, you may utilize specific packages for use in your own engine, use the code to learn about chess programming, use it as a backend to test your UCI frontend, or simply play the engine's command line interface.
This engine is built using bitboard representation of the position. That is, a series of 64-bit unsigned integers are used to represent a given position and efficiently calculate legal moves via bitwise operations. An alpha-beta search algorithm is used to trim the potential moves tree. A basic evaluation is used to evaluate a given position, based on a pawn value of +100 for white.
If you want to use the engine for any reason feel free to fork, download or clone the repo.
To run the Websocket Server, run
$ go run cmd/glee/main.go
Note that the server will default to running in localhost on port 8081, if it should be run on a different IP Address you can override the value via the environment varialbe ADDR before starting the server. For example,
$ export ADDR=
go test ./...
Feel free to open a PR, I would be stoked.
See project here
- Run it on the same machine that the website is running on Typically website will be behind nginx.
- Nginx should expect websocket traffic from the website on 8443 and reroute to this backend unencyrpted at
- To run this engine on port 8080 run :
$ export ADDR=
- Then run
$ go run cmd/glee/main.go --serve
Make sure to unblock the websocket port; i.e:
$ sudo ufw allow 8443/tcp
$ go run cmd/glee/main.go
Type 'help' for help menu.
See /config/systemctl/