
A tiny jQuery full-screen modal component.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


FullMod is a tiny jQuery full-screen modal component.




Inside your head, add the following code:

<link href="fullmod.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

Before closing the body element, add the following code:

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="fullmod.min.js"></script>

Add this HTML in your page:

<div id="myFullMod" class="fullmod">
    <div class="fullmod-content">

        <!--FullMod Header-->
        <div class="fullmod-head">
            <h2 class="title">This is my title</h2>
            <div class="buttons">
                <a href="#" class="btn-close">&times;</a>

        <!--FullMod Body-->
        <div class="fullmod-body">
            <p>This is the content of the modal.</p>


Then you can show the modal using:

    var myFullMod = $('#myFullMod').fullmod();  


You can attach events passing them as options in the fullmod constructor.

    onShowing: function(params) {

You can access to the fullmod instance from all events using the this object.

onShowing(params) (type: function, default value: null)

Function executed when the modal is hidden and the show method is called. If return false, the modal will never show. The params parameter is the one specified when the show method is called.

onShown (type: function, default value: null)

Function executed when the modal is completely shown after the show method is called.

onHiding(params) (type: function, default value: null)

Function executed when the modal is shown and the hide method is called. If return false, the modal will never hidden. The params parameter is the one specified when the hide method is called.

onHidden (type: function, default value: null)

Function executed when the modal is completely hidden after the hide method is called.



Shows the modal unless the onShowing function call returns false. If the modal is already shown and the show method is called, nothing happens (the onShowing function won't be called).

The params parameter is the object to pass to the onShowing event.


Shows the modal unless the onHiding function call returns false. If the modal is already hidden and the hide method is called, nothing happens (the onHiding function won't be called).

The params parameter is the object to pass to the onHiding event.

CSS classes

Action Description Classes
Page loaded. The modal is hidden. fullmod-hidden
show method called. The modal is hidden. If the onShowing function is null or returns false, the animation will be started. fullmod-showing
Show animation completed. fullmod-shown
hide method called. The modal is shown. If the onHiding function is null or returns false, the animation will be started. fullmod-hiding
Hide animation completed. fullmod-hidden