
E-Commerce site RESTful back-end APIs using Django & Django REST Framework (drf). Uses Coding Best Practices to make API views for CRUD operations, Serializers, django filters, DRF template customizations, search etc.

Primary LanguagePython


In this project we have created e-commercial site's RESTful back-end APIs using Django REST framework.

We have used following concepts of Django & DRF to complete this project:

  • Serializer
  • API views
  • Django filters - filtering back ends
  • Pagination, search, listing & custom query etc.
  • Routers with viewsets
  • Executing CRUD operations
  • Managing serializer fields
  • Testing API views
  • data-driven web experiences

To setup the project:

$ git clone https://github.com/ombharatiya/django-RESTful-web-apis.git
$ cd django-RESTful-web-apis
$ vrtualenv -p python3.6 .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
<.venv>$ pip install -r requirements.txt
<.venv>$ python manage.py runserver

Now you can check various apis on http://localhost:8000

To run it on '', you might be required to add this host in settings.py file ALLOWED_HOSTS = [''] or do ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*'] .