Problem Statement:

Many women choose to take a career break during pregnancy and early motherhood. However, re-entering the workforce postpartum can be challenging due to potential discrimination, lack of flexible work options and sometimes family (social) pressure. This can lead to financial and personal hardship for mothers who want to continue their careers.

Solution Approach:

We are creating a job platform specifically for women seeking to return to work after taking maternity leave. The platform will connect women with employers offering flexible work hours, remote options, and family-friendly policies. We have partnered with organizations to provide access to flexible schedules. We also offer health benefits packages, including 2 free annual check-ups for women who get jobs through our platform. Additionally, we host seminars on topics like women's empowerment, transitioning back to work postpartum, and work-life balance for mothers. By providing a supportive community, relevant resources, and family-friendly job opportunities, we aim to help women successfully relaunch their careers after starting a family.