
This hosts the custom metadata API and resources Lidarr relies on.

Primary LanguagePython


https://dev.azure.com/Lidarr/Lidarr/_apis/build/status/lidarr.LidarrAPI.Metadata?branchName=develop Codacy Badge

This hosts the custom metadata API and resources Lidarr relies on.


The metadata server may be installed with pip install . in the root directory or python setup.py install. A development install that is linked to the most recent file versions may be installed with pip install -e . or python setup.py develop.


The metadata API server may be run by executing the server.py file or by the command lidarr-metadata-server that is installed with the installation instructions above.

Docker services

The metadata server requires access to a musicbrainz postgresql database and solr search server.

To initialize these in docker you can run

` docker-compose build docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d docker-compose exec musicbrainz /createdb.sh -fetch docker-compose exec sir make install docker-compose exec sir make index `

These will take several hours to complete.

  • docker-compose.yml defines the base services required - the musicbrainz database, server, solr and supporting services.
  • docker-compose.dev.yml exposes ports for the supporting services in docker-compose.yml to allow running the lidarr metadata service on the host.
  • docker-compose.prod.yml runs the lidarr metadata service in docker in addition to the supporting services. Supporting services are not exposed.