
Color schemes for xfce4-terminal

MIT LicenseMIT


Atomic color schemes for xfce4-terminal

To use one of these color schemes, copy the file in colorschemes/ to your ~/.config/xfce4/terminal/colorschemes/ and apply it using terminal preferences.

  • darkb_s.theme => Dark blue, soft contrast (default)

  • darkb_h.theme => Dark blue, hard contrast (extra, +5% contrast)

  • darkc_s.theme => Dark cyan, soft contrast (base colors alternative)

  • darkc_h.theme => Dark cyan, hard contrast (extra alternative, +5% contrast)

  • nighto_s.theme => Night orange, soft contrast (base colors alternative)

  • nighto_h.theme => Night orange, hard contrast (extra alternative, +5% contrast)

  • nightr_s.theme => Night red, soft contrast (base colors alternative)

  • nightr_h.theme => Night red, hard contrast (extra alternative, +5% contrast)

  • light_s.theme => Light, soft contrast (default)

  • light_h.theme => Light, hard contrast (extra, +5% contrast)

Original files have been cloned from gerardbm/atomic.