
A failure machine to organize all your RSpec failures

Primary LanguageElixir


So you want to know what are your most common failures in RSpec? Pass them trough the Failure Machine.

The idea behind the app is to merely grab json output from RSpec, group together failures with the same root cause and rank them from most frequent to least frequent.

This is currently in early stages, so the output is pretty limited, it's algorithm for grouping errors together is the most basic there can be, and it's not thoroughly tested, automatically or otherwise.

In summary, this is a work in progress.


For now, the only way to use this is to clone this repo, run mix deps.get and then mix escript.build


The way this works is the following:

$ ./failure_machine --info [RSPEC LOG OUTPUT FILE]

if you have multiple files, like what you get from a CI run, the program accepts globbing:

$ ./failure_machine --info="name_of_files_glob_*.json"

Aditionally, you have 2 other options: --limit and --by-file.

With --limit you can say how much output you want to see, by saying:

$ ./failure_machine --info="name_of_files_glob_*.json" --limit 10

And you can classify the output by file rather than by failure. Useful if you want to have more of an idea of where are most failures rather than what are most failures:

$ ./failure_machine --info="name_of_files_glob_*.json" --by-file


We currently have no automated testing, so feel free to contribute.

We have just a test file from a failed run in the rspec repo. It's also not ideal since we're not covering cases involving larger files and other error types, but it's good enough for sanity checks.

Adding automated tests is the next priority, so stay tuned. If you have any ideas for testing automation or even json output files to add to increase the number of cases we cover, also, feel free to open a PR.

To test, simply install the package and run it against the test data in the test_data folder and that's it.