
Automated SCRUM scoring against codebases

Primary LanguageRuby


Score boy lets you easily generate "scores" for work to be done against a codebase, based on the number of results from executing a particular command. You just populate a CSV file with things to check, and ScoreBoy will take care of the rest - populating your CSV with the score ranges and results found in a github gist.

bin/scoreboy ~/docs/quote.csv ~/projects/shipping_lib


  • we recommend the_silver_searcher (https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher) for working against codebases quickly
  • gist is used to create github gists of command output. gem install gist and then run gist --login
  • make sure your CSV file has the required headers: title,check_command,min_score_per,max_score_per,check_result_url,check_result_count,sum_result_score_range (see template.csv)
  • all required columns need to be filled in, except min/max (which default to 1,2 respectivly) and any column with result in the name is computed.