
Beginner-level Ray Tracing repo

Primary LanguageC


Beginner-level Ray Tracing repo.

Step 1 - The rt_one_weekend is my implementation of Raytracing in One Weekend by Peter Shirley with my shabby C code:)
I did it in C just for the heck of it. It made the implementation unnecessarily harder but more fun.
For a better, cleaner and more efficient C take of the book refer to Eugene Morozov implementation
I had to use OpenMP api for multithreading https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/archive/msdn-magazine/2005/october/openmp-and-c-reap-the-benefits-of-multithreading-without-all-the-work (Haven't finished win32 threads equivalent yet)
Furthermore to speedup the troublesome Final Render scene (chapter 13) I decreased the number of random spheres:

_image_final_2 Here is the result of another experimental run:


Step 2 - Working on a beginner-level DXR samples... [WIP]

2.1. DXR Hello Triangle:

dxr hello tri